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第9類 科學儀器


【注釋】尤其包括: ——實驗室科研用儀器及器械; ——領航用電氣儀器及器械,如測量和傳令儀器及器械; ——量角器; ——穿孔卡式辦公機械; ——不論錄制媒體或傳播途徑的所有的計算機程序和軟件,即包括錄制在磁性媒體上的軟件或從遠程計算機網絡上下載的軟件。 尤其不包括: ——下列電動儀器及器械: (1)炊事用電氣用具(食品碾磨和攪拌器、榨果汁器、電動磨咖啡器等)和第 七類中使用電動機的其他設備及器具; (2)抽取或分發燃料的器具(第七類); (3)電動剃刀和理發推子(手工具)(第八類); (4)電動牙刷和梳子(第二十一類); (5)房間加熱或液體加熱、烹調、通風等電器設備(第十一類); ——鐘表和其他計時器(第十四類); ——時間控制鐘(第十四類); ——與外接顯示屏或監視器連用的娛樂和游戲裝置(第二十八類)。

編號 所屬類別 商品編號 商品/服務名稱 英文名稱 備注
1 第9類 科學儀器 009-4032 具有絕緣、電暈環、裝甲棒和電涌放電器的金屬防護裝置的預包裝工具,以及懸掛夾具、軛架板的金屬五金件,所有這些附件都連接或連接輸電導線到高壓輸電塔 Pre-packaged kits containing electrical protection devices in the nature of insulators, corona rings, armor-rods and surge arresters and metal hardware in the nature of suspension clamps, yoke plates, all of which attach or connect transmission conductors to high voltage electric transmission towers 07-04-2013: Status changed from “A” - Added to “X” - example.
2 第9類 科學儀器 009-4031 電子語音內部通訊系統,包括控制站,接口模塊,框架,控制器卡,連接器,電源,面板和安裝用于生產現場音樂表演,戲劇和其他現場活動 Electrical voice intracommunications systems comprising control stations, interface modules, frames, controller cards, connectors, power supplies, panels and mountings for use in the production of live musical performances, theatre, and other live events
3 第9類 科學儀器 009-4030 由微處理器和集成發射器和接收器組成的硬化裝置,安裝在現場,貼在設備上,或由大型采礦,建筑和工業現場的人員佩戴,以將設備和人員的遙測數據傳輸到中央處理設備,并接收自動接近其他設備或人員操作和安全管理系統的警報 Hardened units composed of microprocessors and integrated transmitters and receivers installed in the field, affixed to equipment, or worn by personnel at large scale mining, construction, and industrial sites to transmit telemetry data on equipment and personnel to central processing facilities and to receive automated proximity alerts of other equipment or personnel for operations and safety management systems
4 第9類 科學儀器 009-4029 由微處理器和集成發射器和接收器組成的硬化裝置,安裝在現場和大型采礦,建筑和工業作業的移動和固定設備上,用于從各種應用收集數據,將數據傳輸到中央處理設施,以及接收指向應用程序和設備的數據傳輸 Hardened units composed of microprocessors and integrated transmitters and receivers installed in the field and on board both mobile and stationary equipment in large scale mining, construction, and industrial operations to collect data from various applications, to transmit the data to central processing facilities, and to receive data transmissions directed to the applications and equipment
5 第9類 科學儀器 009-4028 由大型采礦,建筑和工業現場安裝的微處理器和集成發射器和接收器組成的硬化單元,用于從監測和控制裝置收集數據,將數據傳輸到中央處理設備,并接收數據傳輸到安裝 Hardened units composed of microprocessors and integrated transmitters and receivers installed in the field at large scale mining, construction, and industrial sites to collect data from monitoring and control installations, to transmit the data to central processing facilities, and to receive data transmissions directed to the installations
6 第9類 科學儀器 009-4026 計算機游戲軟件專注于實現一系列目標,職位,所有權和憑據,專業和社會地位,以及在專業和個人方面取得成功所必需的財富,而不是指一組軟件用于商業或辦公室組 Computer game software focusing on achieving a set of goals, positions, ownership, and credentials, and professional and social status, and good fortune necessary to succeed professionally and personally, and not referring either to a group of software for use in commerce or to a group of offices
7 第9類 科學儀器 009-4024 用于軍用和商用飛機的頭盔式顯示器,即用于向飛機機組成員提供導航和操作信息的固定式和頭盔式透明電子顯示器 Head-up displays for use in military and commercial aircraft, namely, fixed and helmet mounted transparent electronic displays for providing aircraft crew members with navigational and operational information
8 第9類 科學儀器 009-4023 用于覆蓋并提供防刮屏障或保護電子設備,即MP3播放器,移動電話,智能電話,數碼相機,全球定位系統和個人數字助理(不包括游戲設備)的貼合塑料薄膜, Fitted plastic films known as skins for covering and providing a scratch proof barrier or protection for electronic devices, namely, MP3 players, mobile telephones, smart telephones, digital cameras, global positioning systems and personal digital assistants [excluding game apparatus] 09-26-2013: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” exaMore >
9 第9類 科學儀器 009-3662 攝影閃光燈用水下罩 Underwater enclosures for photographic flash units
10 第9類 科學儀器 009-3661 水下攝影閃光燈裝置 Underwater photographic flash units
11 第9類 科學儀器 009-3660 移動或便攜式傳真機 Mobile or portable fax machines
12 第9類 科學儀器 009-3659 航海和照相設備和儀器,即相機水下外殼,照相機水下外殼和照相鏡頭水下外殼 Nautical and photographic apparatus and instruments, namely, underwater housings for cameras, underwater enclosures for cameras and underwater enclosures for photographic lenses
13 第9類 科學儀器 009-3658 光學儀器和儀器,即水下攝影的光學端口,水下攝影的圓頂端口,濕式屈光度儀,水下攝影適配鏡頭 Optical apparatus and instruments, namely, optical ports for underwater photography, dome ports for underwater photography, wet diopters, adapter lenses for underwater photography
14 第9類 科學儀器 009-3657 攝影尋星器,即直視取景器和有角度的取景器 Photographic finders, namely, straight viewfinders and angled viewfinders
15 第9類 科學儀器 009-3656 火花塞塞尺 Spark plug feeler gauges
16 第9類 科學儀器 009-3655 火花塞間隙測量儀 Spark plug gap gauges
17 第9類 科學儀器 009-3654 數字錄音機 Digital voice recorders
18 第9類 科學儀器 009-3653 照相機用魚眼轉換透鏡 Fish-eye conversion lenses for cameras
19 第9類 科學儀器 009-3652 相機的廣角鏡頭 Wide-angle lenses for cameras
20 第9類 科學儀器 009-3651 用于汽車的伸縮式檢查鏡 Telescopic inspection mirrors for automotive use



















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